Mein Konto


Delivery policy

Using our own transport network, we provide fast and high-quality delivery to your door.

Logistics is automated down to the smallest detail.

Our courier network of Markabu partners covers the entire territory of Russia and the CIS countries.

We deliver your goods on time and in safety.

What should I pay attention to when delivering?

  • Always check your order with the courier.
  • If there is damage to the shipping package or product, you may return the package with the shipping company without receiving it.
  • Attach a Damage Determination Report to the cargo officer.
  • If you choose not to receive the shipment by checking the contents and quantity after signing the Iargo delivery receipt, you will receive a return code with a simple return option on the order screen.
  • Deliver the item / box with this statement and invoice to the cargo officer and ship back to Markabu.
  • For your orders of the electronic category, such as refrigerator, washing machine, TV, which must be installed by an authorized service after receiving the product;
  • If the package is opened without authorized service information, the item cannot be returned.
  • If a problem is found during the installation of an authorized service, you can return the product along with an authorized service report.


This information is contained in the boxes of products requiring the installation of a technical service.

If you have any problems with the steps above, you can get support by contacting us from the "Online Help" area at the bottom of our help page.


Where is my load?

Upon delivery of your order, cargo you will receive an informational message "Your order has been sent" and an informational SMS from the freight company.

After receiving this SMS and information message, you can track your cargo in two ways:

  • By the link "Cargo tracking" in the information message.
  • Under the link "Where is my cargo?" On the "My Orders" tab in the "My Account" section.